
米海軍空母とのexercise (COMTUEX)

4月16日 スペイン海軍フリゲート艦SPS Blaz de Leso (F 103)
4月19日 ブラジル海軍フリゲート艦BNS Independzência (F 44)

SPS Blaz de Leso, BNS Independzencia Visit Norfolk »

Spanish frigate SPS Blaz de Leso (F 103) arrived in Norfolk April 16, and Brazilian frigate BNS Independzência (F 44) arrived April 19 to participate in a composite unit training exercise (COMTUEX) with the Carrier...

April 22 2012

SeeByte to Provide Royal Netherlands Navy with 20 New Licenses »
SeeByte, the global leader in creating smart software technology for unmanned systems, has announced that it will provide the Royal Netherlands Navy with twenty new licences of SeeTrack Military. This significant purchase has come after...